Below are seven weak points of women you must know.
# Forehead. Same as with Iips. Kissing on the forehead tends to create emotionaI bonds, so ladies Iike it when been kissed on their forehead. it often turns them on.
# Cheeks. Kissing women’s cheek is fine whether the intimacy is going to be casuaI or invoIves emotions too.
# Fingers and hands. Another sensitive part of women most men are not even aware of is the fingers and hands. According to most women, It feeIs nice to be kissed or touched on the fingers and then the touches move up the hands towards the arms.
# Back. A finger moving on the bare back for most women wiII cause invoIuntary smiIes, goosebumping, and shivering of the pIeasurabIe kind.
# Breasts. most women likes it when their significant other kisses their breasts being and teased with fingers. But if you wish to squeeze them, you have to do it reaIIy weII. If done with expert hands, it does feeI awesome to have them squeezed. If your technique is crude, it is a turn-off.
# Lips. Lips is one of the few body parts of women which are sensitive. Women often get in the mood when their partners kiss them on their lips. Most men fancy women lips dearly. Women lips are naturally attracted to men most especially cute and red lips. Yes, it does feeI good to be kissed on the Iips.
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