By Gbenga Sodeinde
Heritagenews reports that, If you own a car, you know that changing the oil on time is critical to its smooth operation. If you take your car to a reputable service center for an oil change, they will inspect all the vehicle’s components.
The service interval for each vehicle will differ depending on factors such as the make, model, grade of oil used, and distance traveled. The grade of engine oil used is determined by other factors such as elevation, altitude, mileage, and so on. In this article, I want to share with you on the six benefits of changing the engine oil of your car regularly.
1. Engine protection. Simply put, changing your oil protects your engine from friction and wear and tear, which can eventually harm your vehicle’s performance. In the long run, the micro contaminants in engine oil will damage your vehicle’s well and also its crown. While routine car maintenance can be done at home, more serious issues will necessitate the services of professionals, which will be costly.
2. Better mileage. We’d all like to own a vehicle that gets good gas mileage. But what if you could get better mileage by using the right engine oil? If dirt and debris build up in your engine, it will cause friction. And friction is neither good for your car’s maintenance nor its mileage. Changing the engine oil on a regular basis will help your car get better mileage.
3. Longer life-span for the engine. Without a proper oil change, your car’s engine will not be able to live a long life. If your oil is not changed on time, it can lead to improper lubrication and the end of your vehicle’s smooth operation. Periodic service will also allow you to inspect the vehicle for other signs of wear and tear.
4. Nature friendly. Have you ever seen a vehicle pass by with a lot of smoke coming out of it? These vehicles are fined because the gases they emit pollute the environment. But do you know what causes smoke to be emitted? It is the inadvertent replacement of engine oil. Sludge accumulation can occur if engine oil is not replaced for an extended period of time. This, in turn, can result in the production of gases that are harmful to the environment.
5. Engine efficiency. Oil naturally transports dirt, debris, and other particles into the engine. As a result, sludge begins to accumulate inside the machine over time. If your engine oil is not changed on a regular basis, dirt will accumulate and slow down your engine’s performance. Periodic services ensure that impure oil is drained from the engine and that fresh oil is fed. During the service, the oil filter, which is critical to maintaining the oil’s quality, will also be replaced. As a result, your vehicle’s performance will improve.
6. protects other engine components Under your hood, it’s not just the engine. Other components include pistons, rods, camshafts, and so on. While these components are important for the vehicle, engine oil also plays an important role in keeping them up to date. As a result, routine engine oil changes improve the performance of the engine’s other components.
(Opera News)