Permit me to celebrate a dear Mentor, Boss and brother.
Using the medium of Poesy
Never have you heard this from me:
I treasure you unquantifiably
Age disparity is no barrier To your being my Mentor
Which opened a new Vista of further growth beyond the Ivory.
What a prodigiously cerebral Being you are!
Your Being has made so many to BE
A Dream Maker.
A man with The Midas Touch.
A humble Achiever
Silver or Gold is inadequate
To celebrate a Silent , Humble, Achiever
In Auden’s poetic line I find expression:
I love you, dear Dr John Ajiboye
I treasure you like Pluto’s Mine
You are a Mentor, brother and friend, a Diamond of sort
Longevity, prosperity and peace of mind are your portion in Christ
Enjoy your day Dr John Ajiboye!
Bonne Anniversaire !
Bonne Chance !
Oke Aruleba@ Deprof.