A very different pastor entirely!
No church branches.
No primary or secondary schools.
No church university.
No private jet(s).
No Bible schools.
No spiritual father’s or anointed sons.
No visits to Aso rock.
Extremely few interviews granted to the media.
Shunned luxury and always gave out.
Few crusades held anywhere.
Rare visits to anyone.
Rarely responds to his critics.
Hid his family life away from His church activities.
Wife wasn’t a pastor or mummy GO, few knew her physically, preached very rarely.
Children are not his pastors.
No fixation on acquiring wealth/tithes/offerings.
Emmanuel TV was watched by all denominations and members of other religions.
Just miracles, prophecies and sermons.
We love you sir.
He was very great and mighty as well as universally acclaimed.
A leading global Televangelist and billionaire of no mean repute, dolling out millions of naira, including food and clothes to widowed and other needy persons, and engaging unusually in other help areas like school sponsorship, as arguably, number one charity person on African continent, almost on daily basis!
He received invitations for private prayers from about 25 Presidents, while a total of six Presidents came on private visit to him for healing in Synagogue Church Lagos during his life time.
No preacher of the gospel has beaten his records in Africa, if not in the entire world till date.