By Gbenga Sodeinde
Heritagenewsng reports a socialite, 32 year old Ghanaian has finally opened up about an incident that happened to her while she was young girl after a person who was close to her family allegedly took advantage of her turning her into an addict.
According to the reports given by the woman, she claimed that she has been having a hard time coping or rather dating one person at a time in her life. For her, she claimed that she has dated several men adding that at the moment, she has slept with over 100 men and yet is unable to love any of them.
“Someone took advantage of me when i was still young and i think that is where i got my addiction from, ever since this happened i have never been able to stop myself from sleeping with different men all over. My body always needs a man with me to have sex with me and for this reason, i am yet to find out is happening to me because at the moment, i don’t know what I’m going through. It has ruined my relationship and so on and so forth and for this reason, i need help”, she said.
While reacting to her remarks, Facebook users who took to their different social media accounts to express their opinions and suggestions on the matter have called upon the renowned Socialite to seek help claiming that in as much as she might claim its a joke, she needs professional help.
For most fb users, they claimed that it was so unfortunate that most people tend to think that having the highest number of body counts is fun despite the fact that it’s not and for this reason, they urged her to seek medical attention due to the fact that she might end up getting infected with STIs.
(Opera news)