How Holy Spirit Struck 3 Persons Cursing Me Behind With Stroke- Prophet Oladapo

By Gbenga Sodeinde

The General Overseer of CAC Miracle City, aka. healing center, Bashiri, Ado Ekiti, Prophet Victor Olaniyi Oladapo has warned against sins against holy spirit, saying the end result is always very deadly.

The man of God who handed down the warning during the last Sunday service narrated the story of three persons including a member of his family who were members of the church and have been indulging in cursing the prophet behind his back while he kept praying for them unknown to him.

“I kept praying for them, while they kept destroying me and cursing me behind and unknown to me, one of them is even my family, I kept praying for them until they were struck with stroke and they became paralysed at home, I even went to look for them at home, I was told they were indisposed and that they couldn’t see me.

“I kept praying for them until I got to know that it was holy spirit that struck them because of their evil marchinations and rebellious deeds against me behind.

“This is a lesson for us to be very careful and run away from any act that could make us to be seen as disrespecting annoited men of God, or anyone that God put in higher positions of authority no matter his or her age.  those people that are carrying the annoiting of God on them are very dangerous to offend, disrespect or rebel against. Sins against the them, are sins against the holy spirit”. He added.

Prophet Oladapo who brought out this analysis while ministering on the topic “Divine Callings” cited, Mark 3:13-15, Mark 14- 19, John 3:16-17 Titus 2:11-12, John 16:16, Exodus 2: 9, Genesis 12: 12 Luke 6:13, Act 13:12, Act 22:21 Exodus, Joshua 1: 5, 11Samuel 20: 23, Mathew 19th:20-27, Rev. 2:9, Hebrew 4:7, and Hebrew 3:16 to buttress his points.

The high point of his sermon was when he was ministering to the congregation about how to get blessed or tap divine blessings from men of God, and after his ministration on this, put the church to test of faith where a larger percentage of the church members including this journalist failed the test.

According to the man of God, to get blessed, or attract divine blessings  from men of God required  your personal efforts, sacrifice, and most especially, your faith is important, where he cited several examples in the bible, among which were the incident in 1 Kings 17:7-16 where the Zerephath widow fed the man of God, (Elijah) with the last food in her house and was blessed beyond her imagination.


He thereafter had an alter call saying, “I need 20 or more people in front here”. Although many people that were more than the 20 people requested for came out for this alter call but majority of the church members did not come out including this writer due to the fear that it might be that the prophet needed money from the congregation.

But supprisenly, but the case was different, as the prophet only prayed for those who came out and annoited them, and later revealed that it was the instruction from holy that he should put the congregation to test of faith whether they actually allowed the teaching to sink in their heart.

Specifically, Prophet Oladapo pointed out that someone who is not careful can get himself injured in the house of God like churches, warning that Christians should run away from these thing that could make them sin against the holy spirit by been desobidient to the instructions from men with ‘true callings of God‘, or by been disrespectful, or rebellious against them.

“Anybody under the annoiting of God is a special person, and so, anyone under a divine calling needs to be respected in respective of their ages, or look, so also goes to the leaders or persons in high positions of authority, like kings, Governors, Chairmen, General Managers and Heads of any establishements. “These cathegories of people deserved to be respected so far they are in positions of authority, nomatter theirs ages. Don’t ever rebel against them”. He warned.

“Even if a man of God visits you and you are incapacitated such that you can’t offer him anything, please don’t force yourself to give him something grudgingly, because if you do so, all the prayers the man of God might have offered for you will be turned to cursed by the holy spirit, so let’s everyone pray!, I will not get injured!!, I will not receive curse instead of blessings!!!”. Prophet Oladapo echoed.



The prophet dancing with those that came out for special Thanksgiving.

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