How Christians Have Been Misinterpreting Mathew 5 : 3-Prophet Oladapo

By Gbenga Sodeinde

The General Overseer of the CAC Miracle City, aka. healing center, Bashiri in Ado Ekiti, Prophet Victor Olaniyi Oladapo has reviewed with explanation why Christians of nowadays should begin reject this particular portion in the holy bible, Mathew 5 : 3.

Prophet Oladapo explained that it is quite unfortunate that people have been Misinterpreting the biblical verse to mean that Christians that will inherit the kingdom of God must be poor on Earth.

This verse, Mathew 5 : 3. which read:“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” was misinterpreted to mean that it is better to be poor on earth so as to inherit the kingdom of God.

The man of God was leading prayers during the last Sunday service, where he revealed that God has sent wealth and riches to his people and particularly to CAC miracle center, charging members to pray to God and they shall receive, adding that it is good thing for a Christian to have money and be wealthy.

He explained further that for a Christian to have money or be rich does not translate to sin, pointing out specifically that the meaning of that portion of bible does not indicate that Christians should be poor, or that wealth or riches are sins.

The religious leader said part of Christians entitlements are success, riches, blessings, and prosperity, saying, “as a Christians, You can experience favor, fulfillment, and be wealthy, and your father which is God almighty own everything that is good, and so Christians should ask for riches, it is not a sin to be rich.

“It not a good thing for christians to be begging for food from unbelivers, if we are serving the living God and People, particularly when the unbelivers did not see the evidence on us in our lives that God cares for us, our God is the owner of all riches, success and wealth and if we fail to ask God for it and we remain perpetually poor, and a pauper such that our lives does not interest anyone who sees, how do we convince the unbelivers to follow our God,?

Otherwise you will bring reproach to the name of God that you are serving, because the unbelivers will make jest of you ask what kind of God is he that you claim to be serving your life instead for it to be getting better for you, but it but it is getting worse .

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“It is high time we know our rights, our father owns all the wealth in the world and we entitled to it, it wrong to believe that we Christians should not seek riches and wealth. Our lives could bring reproach to the names of our God if our lives does not prove to the people of the world and particularly, the unbelivers that our God our owns the good things on earth can give us even conviniently more that than how Satan can give his children on earth”

The man of God therefore led the powerful Empowerment prayers after he had opened the understanding of the congregation on the issue but encouraged Christians to cultivate the harbit of giving, saying if they give, they will surely receive.

Delivering the sermon for that Sunday service, Lady Evangelist Victoria Omilabu who spoke on topic: Help in time like this read from bible passages: Palm 121-1, General 37: 36-, and Exodus 2:5-6.

Lady Evangelist Victoria Omilabu

She educated the congregation on how to seek help, where to seek help, how to help others and prayers for devine help.

The minister of God noted that in time like, when things are hard and tough in the country, Christians need devine God interventions and devine help

Evangelist Omilabu noted that God has the ability to turn things around for good within a minute, just like it happened in Samaria in the bible.

“If Nigerians can equally call upon God, he can turn around our situations in minutes, that is why Christians needs to pray and seek God’s help in time like this.

“Let us Christians do away with idolatry, God hates it, we should not be seeking help from God and be seeking help from Mammon or Satan, we should also cultivate the harbit of praying for one another and as well help your neighbors and those that desires our assistance, because those who helps other shall surely receive helps from God also”. She added.

Prophet Oladapo leading prayers during the service.


Church members who came out for special Thanksgiving being prayed for by the prophet.
Congregation while listening to sermon during service.

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