Popularly called Marugbo Soup by the Ikales and Ilajes of Ondo State; Called Gbanonnon by Ondos (the Ekimoguns) of Ondo State; Also known as Obeta Dudu by the Idanres (the Makanres) of Ondo State.
This soup is very well loved for its therapeutic and cleansing effect on the digestive system.
The name “Gbanonnon” means “the stew that clears the bowels” so it also has a laxative effect.
Certain herbs are added to Marugbo leaves to give Gbanonnon Soup its special flavour as well as its unique nutritional and medicinal qualities.
Furthermore, It is very good soup for post partum women soon after child birth.
1. MARUGBO LEAVES : Botanically belonging to the family of Clerodendium Volubile, it is called
‘Marugbo’ or ‘Eweta’ by the Ikales and Ilajes of Ondo State, ‘Meroluku’ by the Idanres of Ondo State, ‘Eweluku’ by the Ondos (the Ekimoguns) of Ondo State, ‘Obenetete’ by the Urhobos of Delta State and ‘Beletientien’ by the Itshekiris of Delta State.
2. PEPPER FRUIT LEAVES – It is called ‘Ewe Igbee’ by the Ondos, ‘Dennetta Tripetala Mmimmi’ by the Igbos, ‘Ewe Ata Igberi’ by the Yorubas, ‘Imako’ by Urhobos, and ‘Ako’ by the Efik and Ibibio.
3. ALLIGATOR PEPPER LEAVES – Known as ‘Ewe Itaaye’ or ‘Ewe Ataare’ by the Yorubas.
4. BLACK PEPPER LEAVES – Known as ‘Ewe Ighere’, the botanical name is Pipe nigrum. It is called ‘Uziza’ by Ibos, and ‘Ewe ata Iyere’ by the Yorubas.
5. BASIL – Known as ‘Efinrin’ by the Yorubas, ‘Nnchanwu’ by Igbos, and ‘Daidoya’ by Hausas.
9. MORINGA LEAVES (Optional)
Fresh pepper, Bell pepper, Onion, Fresh meat, Dried Smoked Fish, Era gii/Iru (Locust Beans, Palm oil (very little), Salt to taste.
¨ It gives the aroma and taste of the soup and can be added in fresh or dried.
¨ It contains very high amount of Zinc and Iron.
¨ It is known for stimulating lost appetite and replenishing vitality for mothers who just put to bed.
¨ It is good for high antioxidant activity which reduces oxidative stress.
¨ It is effective for diseases prevention and management.
¨ It addresses many health issues such as diabetes and hypertension.
¨ It retards or prevents breast cancers.
2. EWE IGBEE (pepper fruit leaves)
v It also gives a good aroma.
v It is anti-inflammatory
v Good for treatment and prevents of gastrointestinal diseases e.g. stomach upset, diarrhea, vomiting and worm infestation.
v Anti-ulcer
v It minimizes cancer risk
v It fight against microbes
3. EWE ITAYE (alligator pepper leaves)
Ø It stimulates sexual desires.
Ø It is used to increase the production of breast milk
Ø Used for treatment of malaria
Ø It improves digestion
Ø It is an antioxidant
Ø It prevents infection
Ø It is used for treatment of gastrointestinal disorder. e.g. Stomach ulcers, worm, diarrhea and stomach pain.
4. EWE IGHERE(Black pepper Leaves) Uziza
§ It is good for intestinal diseases e.g. dysentery, diarrhea.ª§ Good for cough and bronchitis
§ For rheumatism
§ For infertility in woman and low sperm count in men.
§ Treatment of irritating bowels disorders, enteritis and gastritis
§ For anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-tumor, anti-allergic anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory ability.
EWE EFINRIN (Scent leaves)
v It aids quick digestion
v For lowering of blood sugar level.
v It prevents cancer.
v It reduces cholesterol
v It relieves heart burn
v It relieves menstrual pains
v Eliminates and repairs damage caused by smoking.
v It prevents diabetes
v Rich in vitamin A
v It contains calcium that can help increase bone density and prevent diseases of the bone
v Health benefit for male and female sexual organs
v It prevents premature ejaculation.
MORINGA LEAVES (miracle tree)
Is known as an excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster. This energy is not based on sugar so it is sustained
v It lowers blood pressure
v It aids sleep
v It provides multi-vitamins e.g. vitamin C and vitamin A.
v Solution to diabetes.
v Anti-oxidant.
v Anti-inflammatory.
v It contains protein, calcium, iron and fats.
v It contains a good amount of fiber that boost immunity and fiber alleviates constipation
Plants have remained an integral source of food and nutrients for both human and animals. We simply cannot survive without them.
One more thing about Obeta Dudu/ Marugbo/ Gbanonnon soup is that very little palm oil is used, making it quite interesting and ideal if you are on a diet and have to reduce calories and fat but still want to eat.
So prepare your pounded yam, Eba, Starch, Amala, Fufu, Pupuru, Rice or even Eko; think of any food, even bread and settle down to dig in. ENJOY.
Credit: Ilutitun Gist.