Health Benefits Of Ewe Abamoda (Popularly Called LEAF Of Life Or Miracle LEAF 🌿 )

Multi – Usefulness of Miracle Leaf (Yoruba Name:- Ewé Àbámodá OR Odundun)

Life plant, MIRACLE LEAF, Air Plant, cathedral leaf all refer to the same plant called bryophyllum Pinnatum.

Other NAMES Of Bryophyllum pinnatum, Called MIRACLE Leaf 🌿 ARE:

Tree of life
Cathedral Bells
Goodluck leaves
Africa never die
Kalanchoe Pinnata
Wonder of the world
Miracle plant
Sacred plant
Resurrection plant
Yorubas call it Ewe abamoda.
Hausa people call it shuka Hamlin ka or Masallachi
Igbos call it Oda opue

The list of the names of ewe Abamoda are endless, perhaps because it is a plant that serves enormous medicinal value to different tribes.

Under listed are some of the health benefits and wonders the leave can perform when used appropriately against sicknesses.

1. It helps treats bloody diarrhea:

Bloody diarrhea occurs when blood is mixed with watery stool. The bleeding can be caused by injury from the mouth to the anus.

To treat this condition squeeze out the juice from a sizeable amount of leaves (20 leaves) mix with cumin seed and with ghee. Let the patient take it twice a day, the quantity of blood will reduce and stop eventually after a few days.

2. It Treat Vaginal Discharge:

Vaginal discharge or leucorrhea is a thick yellowish vaginal discharge that is caused by Estrogen imbalance in the body. If there is a vaginal infection the discharge may increase; this discharge may dry up only to show up after some time.

To Treat this condition squeeze out the juice from the leaves and give to the patient twice a day, bryophyllum pinnatum, or never die leaf has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties that would handle this condition in less than a week of regular administration.

Health Benefits Of Ewe Abamoda
Benefits Of Ewe Abamoda ( Called MIRACLE Leaf 🌿 In English
3. It’s Good For The Liver:

The anti hepatitis properties of bryophyllum pinnatum are enormous, it keeps the liver in optimal condition. It cures jaundice fast and is beneficial in the treatment of hepatitis.

4. Reduces Swelling:

When a poultice of bryophyllum pinnatum is applied to any swelling in the body, its anti-inflammatory properties will significantly reduce the swelling. It becomes more effective when the juice is taken alongside placing the poultice on the swelling.

5. Treatment of Stomach Ulcer:

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Cut a leaf and wash it. Look for like six pieces of fried groundnut which its thin brown cover has not been removed. Put it inside the already cleaned leaf and put it in your mouth.

Chew it together very well and swallow it. Repeat this every morning on empty stomach until you are completely healed. This Remedy is very effective.

6. Treatment of Ear 👂 And throat problem:

Cut few leaves and place it beside flame of fire until it shows a little burnt on the leaves. Gently squeeze it to extract water from the leaves and drop the water inside the affected ear. Repeat it until you get desirable results.

Other medicinal properties and health benefits of ewe abamoda Bryophyllum pinnatum (leaf of life plant) is carminative, for the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting, earache, burns, abscesses, gastric ulcers, insect bites, and lithiasis.

The juice from fresh leaves is used to treat smallpox, otitis, cough, asthama, palpitatious, headache, convulsion and general debility. The plant has also been employed for the treatment of edema of legs. Ewe Abamoda leaves powder is used for wound dressing.

In Southeastern Nigeria, the herb is used to facilitate the umbilical cord of Newly Born Baby. This Is ALSO Applied on the bodies of young children when they are ill.

It is largely used in folk medicines for the treatment of hypertension and kidney stones, pulmonary infections, rheumatoid arthritis etc. In traditional medicine, the leaves of the plant also have been used for antifungal. potent antihistamine and anti-allergic activity.

B. pinnatum is a refrigerant, emollient, mucilaginous, haemostatic, vulneray,depurative, constipating, anodyne, disinfectant, antitonic.

The plant proved to be useful in vitiated conditions pitta and vata, epilepsy, piles, haematemesis, haemorrrhoids (piles), menorrhagia, cuts and wounds, discolourations of the skin, boils, ophthalmia, scalds, corn.

The plant has hepatoprotective(protects the liver) activity and is also used to increase vascular integrity.

Bryophyllum can reduce fever and does provide antiinflammatory, and muscle relaxant effects. Its anti-inflammatory effects have been partially attributed to the immuno-modulatory and immune suppressant effect.

Leaf juice is used in the treatment of coughs, bronchial affections, blood dysentery, Jaundice And gout Infection.

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