Fishes That Can Cause Brain Disorder When Consume On Daily Basis

A lot of people eat fish on a regular basis because of their high nutrient and protein content, but they are unaware that there are some fish that can harm their brains and cause brain disorders when consumed on a daily basis due to the high amount of mercury that is stored in their bodies.

According to Healthline, prolong ingestion of mercury can cause a lot of medical conditions such as Dimentia, difficulty in seeing and speaking, depression, memory loss, and many others. As a toxic metallic element, mercury is very poisonous and dangerous to the brain and has a great impact on the overall health of the body when ingested through the consumption of fish that carry the metal element.

The metal is found in abundance in the rivers, seas, and ocean as an inorganic salt compound, and since a large number of the fish we consume regularly are obtained from these bodies of water, there is a high possibility of some of the fish found there having mercury compounds stored in their bodies when they eat things that contain the metallic salt.

In this article, I want to briefly discuss four fish that can harm your brain and cause brain disorders.

1. Swordfish are among the fish that can harm the human brain and cause a brain disorder because they contain mercury in high proportion, the average of which is about 0.995 ppm at the lowest value and 3.22 ppm at the highest value.

The ppm means parts per million. The fish are found in large oceans, and they function as predators that go after smaller fish.

2. Another fish that can cause harm to the brain is the tilefish, which is also found in big oceans and has a high amount of mercury stored up in its body. The mercury content value is about 3.73 parts per million, which is the highest value of the metallic element concentration.

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This value makes tilefish very poisonous to the human body and brain, and so you should be careful not to consume it in excess or on a daily basis.

3. Another fish to take note of because of its capacity to harm the brain when consumed regularly is King Mackerel.

This fish is very much different from the popular normal mackerel that many people eat, but some people like to go for the king mackerel because of its sweetness and nutritional content. However, it contains a high proportion of organic mercury salt compounds. The fish are found in large rivers.

4. Bigeye Tuna is also another type of fish that can harm the brain and cause brain disorders because it contains a mercury value of 0.689 parts per million at its lowest value and 1.816 parts per million at its highest value. The fish is very rich in nutrients and Omega-3 fatty acids, and this is because it’s one of the species of the popularly known tuna fish.

It should be noted that tuna fish does not contain mercury, and it’s very safe and healthy to eat. Salmon and other seafood like oysters, shrimp, and scallops have mercury in extremely low amounts, which means they are safe to eat.

Fishes with high mercury content and value are the ones to avoid because they are poisonous and can affect the brain.

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