Bizarre!!! A Community Where Every Living Object Are Blind
There are many bizarre and unnatural places on planet Earth. Some of them have been discovered, some have been not. Those that have been discovered evoke curiosity among all and sundry.
One such mysterious village exists in Mexico. It is called ‘Village of blind’ because every living objects – both human being and animals – lose their vision after staying in it for some time.
The village is called is ‘Tiltepec’. It is said that the newborn have vision at the time of birth. However, after a few days they lose their vision.
Folklore says that the people blame a cursed tree ‘for their blindness’. They say once anyone sees the tree, the person loses vision. Called ‘Labhajuela’, no one is ready to destroy the tree as they feel it will cause harm to them. They say that even when birds and animals come in contact with the tree, they turn lose their eyesight.
Scientists however, have a different explanation to offer. They say that a large number of toxic producing flies are present in the village. It bites both human beings and animals.
They say that once the fly bites a villager the person loses his eyesight. Approximately 300 people stay in 70 houses in the village. Except for an exit and entry door, the houses do not have any windows. Luckily however, a few in the village still retain their vision and they are the lifeline for those who have gone blind.
Credit: OrissaPOST