Amazine Health Benefits of Trinity Roots/ Spices:Garlic, Onions and Ginger Combination

The trinity roots/spices; Garlic, onions and ginger are a powerhouse combination good for pretty much anything that ails you. To maintain vigor, power, health and immune strength partake in these healing gifts regularly and liberally!

The threesome Onions (allium Cepa), garlic (Allium satirum0 and ginger (Zingiber officinale). they fill such countless beneficial needs during the ancient times and were greatly known for their medicinal benefits. they are blood thinner which assists in regulating with blooding strain and blood triglycerides.

It is exceptionally necessary for an individual to know why these three spice-related food items should be included in at least one of each of breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eating these triplet foods or one of the three will go a long way in preventing a few diseases, preventing someone from visiting the hospital for treatment, thereby spending thousands of naira on treating diseases.

There are many remedies from Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and other traditions using onions, garlic and ginger.

Avoid needing remedies and eat these strong antioxidant, blood purifying, detoxifying, and immune strengthening foods consistently! Garlic, onions and ginger can be cooked or eaten raw (more intense this way) however you may have to develop a taste for the bite of raw.

Go for daily doses of one raw onion (eaten over the course of the day, in salads, chopped on top of foods, sliced in sandwiches, and so on), one major clove of garlic, and a couple of cuts of ginger (bite a cut of ginger before meals as digestive aid).


Garlic is good for pretty much everything, and when it comes time to build immune strength and fight off colds and flu, you definitely want it in your health arsenal.

It is a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-coagulant, antiviral, antibiotic, and also helps blood circulation. Garlic does all this without creating bacterial/organism resistance. It’s been used as a delicate, persistent healer for thousands of years.

The key is persistence; you should include it in your diet on a regular basis. Add it to soups, vegetables, tofu, and grains. Knead it into your bread dough. I love to spread garlic paste (or ginger-garlic paste) on toast (this is a great way to get in your clove a day of garlic).

Always utilize a little more garlic than your recipe calls for. Incidentally, kids can learn to love garlic too. Get them started with garlic bread/toast and pasta or pizza sauce. Roasted garlic is sweet and delicious.


Onions also provide flavor and immune benefits in soups, stews, and pan-sears. Cook it with garlic and olive oil, or include it in tuna or chicken salads. If you have inconvenience digesting it, notes Mead, bite a couple of fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare).

Onions can be used in a traditional hack remedy: Simmer onion cuts in water with honey until they are soft, and eat one like clockwork.

In addition, placing onion packs on the chest can alleviate bronchial inflammation or other chest congestion. Placing them on insect bites draws out swelling and diminishes pain.

The benefits of onion include lower blood tension and cholesterol and decreased mucus and inflammation of the nose and throat.


Considered one of the most sattvic foods, ginger strengthens the immune framework and assuages indigestion, colds, flu, fevers, headaches, belly aches, morning ailment, and menstrual cramps.


It is antibacterial and increases blood circulation. As a digestive aid, it also assists with reducing gas and enhances absorption of nutrients.

Below are a few yogic remedies using garlic, ginger and/or onions.

Appropriate breathing

Garlic is good for respiratory challenges especially if a person has asthma. Garlic could be used with avocado leaves and grinded kola nut, which are then mixed together with honey and water.

Solution for pneumonia

Pneumonia is a disease often caused by the miniature organisms called bacteria. Bacteria have different shapes and forms like rod, cocci or bacilli. Pneumonia leads to high fever, intense chest pain, fast and shallow breathing, painful, short and dry hack.

Grinding a few quantities of garlic and mixing it with honey aides fix the disease.


The efficacy of garlic is such a lot of that it assists with reducing the development of cancers (either sarcomas or carcinomas). There is a saying that, “eat a garlic a day and fend the doctor off.”

Better eye vision

Onions produce the chemical irritant known as syn-propanethial-S-oxide. This substance stimulates the eyes’ lachrymal glands so they release tears. Scientists used to blame the chemical allinase for the instability of substances in a cut onion. Syn-propanethial-S-oxide assists with giving a better vision to the eyes, as the tears emerge from the eyes.


A good number of Nigerians experience the ill effects of hypertension and related diseases leading to hypertension or even stroke.

The component of someone’s daily food should contain some garlic, either in cooked form, or grinded form or regardless of whether it could be chewed. This is because, garlic is a generally excellent anti-hypertension spice.

Ginger and onions better than vinegar

Someone could decide to cook raw meat with vinegar. It is safer to cook with raw onions and ginger and even with garlic.

They make the meat tender, very much like vinegar, however they are not processed chemicals like vinegar, since they are in their natural forms. The also help to spice up the meat and give it a decent taste.

Remedy for diabetes

There have been reported cases of diabetic patients, whose condition became better, when they started eating garlic on a daily basis.

A portion of these individuals, who were hyperglycaemic before they started eating garlic, in no time, had the sugar content in their blood reduced, because of consumption of garlic.

Remedy for incessant cold and catarrh

Continuous cold, hack and catarrh could be cured by soaking some quantity of sliced onions in a container containing some amount of honey.

This is then left for at least 8-10 hours in order for it to mature a bit. The resulting product is extremely ideal for hack.

After meal medicine

Eating ginger after each meal is ideal, as it also reduces the possibility of someone coming up with cold, hack and catarrh.

Powerful purgative

The triplet of onions, garlic and ginger could be grinded together and then mixed with some quantity of water, and drunk once in a day.

They help to cleanse or cleanse the digestive framework, especially by causing easy evacuation of the insides.



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