About Us

Heritage Newspaper is a national newspaper being put together by a resilient and unassuming professional with over twenty years experience in investigative journalism.

The Publisher, who has been in the journalism profession for more than three decades, has worked with The Anchor Newspaper, the then Daily Times, Daily Independent, and Leadership Newspaper, among others.

Heritagenewsng.com is a well packaged content with investigative, true, thorough, and balanced reporting, interviews and features articles structured to serve you with informative, educative and entertaining publications.

The observed neglect in the Yoruba/African heritages, such as tradition, culture and religion, particularly made the publisher set in for the publication in order to promote the African heritage which seems to have been debased and neglected.

This publication is also to promote justice, peace and Unity as well as to ensure that voices of the voiceless are heard with the motive to ensure sanity in the society.

The hard copy of the publication, will be published occasionally, while the online version will always be active.


Contact Us

HERITAGE NEWSPAPER is published by PRINCE WAY MEDIA (BN: 2776390).
Email: newsngheritage@gmail.com
Phone: +234 8035757938


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