By Gbenga Sodeinde
The belief of many in the name Jesus Christ varies, while some see him as Prophet, some argue that he is the Messiah while some are of the opinion that he is God.
Gbenga Sodeinde in n this exclusive interview with a reowned Legal Practitioner Barrister Soyombo he exposes the mystery behind the name Jesus Christ and who exactly he was.
Holy Spirit Is God, Jesus Is GOD- Barr. Pastor Soyonbo Explains
My name is Gabriel Olalekan Soyombo, a legal practitioner by profession. I am the presiding minister at Christ Apostolic Ambassadors Church, Ikotun Lagos. An activist, an active player in the project of nation building and an advocate of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.
The LAW, which invariably means the body of the Rules that seeks to regulate the activities of the people In order to ensure degree of moral conducts among the people. The Law is man made and man indoctrinated. It is a compass of command theory that seek to administer community of people at ensuring moral standard of cohabitation. The Law has been a veritable instruments that distinguished human beings from animals. Why Animals live freely in their kingdom with no recourse to any Laws, rules and regulations, human beings, the people are mandated to observe rules and the l Law of Living.
However and for for the purpose of clarity here, the word “Law” and the word Spiritual must be separately Situated. The Law becomes Spiritual specifically when same is commanded by God Almighty.The Law of God” refers to God’s commandments, given to his creatures to regulate their lives and moral behavior. However, in the Scripture, the “law of God” certainly includes this idea, but is also used in a variety of ways, most importantly, in the context of covenant relationships.
Mostly the Law given by God are predominately tied to covenants. The example of this was the Law of God in the garden of Eden in the beginning of creation with Adam to the new creation in Christ. Therefore, there is Law and there is Spiritual. In tropical, the Law becomes Spiritual when the Law as given is traced to God Almighty as in the case of Moses who received commandments from God and delivered it to the children of Israel in the Bible. It is called LAW when it is the degree of rules that are put together by men to administer the affairs of men, while it becomes Spiritual when the source of such rules is traced to God.
Spiritual thus mean an act that is beyond the command of men. It means the reflection of spirit at every given situation. Most especially the creation of men and the universe. Spiritual is exclusively of God for all things, either beneath, in the Sky, in the water, on the land in the heaven for all were created by God. God is the creator of all beings, including the Satan. God determines the existence and the non existence and as such become the absolute authority on all spirituality and the spiritual itineraries of mankind.
Well, for the purpose of this interview and it’s intent, i will make the scripture the compass of my narratives.
According to the Scripture, Spirit is the Spiritual force that dwells in all of mankind. It is the life force that was breathed into Adam’s nostrils, making him a living soul, a human being. The Spirit is the part of human that is not physical and that controls the character and feelings of men. This human spirit is virtually indestructible. The Spirit in human flesh is the power house of man existence and once this spirit depart from a man, the existence of man automatically comes to an end.
The spirit is invisible. With the aid of the Spirit, the world was created, through the aid of the spirit, human being were created and sustained. The day the spirit is out of man, the day the end comes. By the ordinances of heaven, Spirit leaves in men and around men for ecclesiastical reasons, and it is for the perfection of the finished work of God.
The Spiritual is the action of the Spirit that becomes manifest. Spiritual is an action of man, his thinking and dwelling which is divinely unexplainable. That is simply the episode of the Spiritual. There can not be Spiritual if there is no Spirit in existence. Human being become spiritual simply because of the inherent dominance of the spirit in him.
The Spiritual is the doing or acting, speaking, thinking and moving in a most divine manner that beats human comprehension. Because all the creation are functional onslaught of the spirit, everything here on earth assumed to be spiritual, because everything, including human existence is at the mercy and instance of the spirit. The Spiritual is the end result of the spirit being that dominates the affairs of men. It is therefore correct to say that our lives is spiritual. The level of man’s spiritual life depends on the degree of the spirits that dwells in him according to the scripture. See Genesis 1 & 2 & 7.
God is simply the master of the universe. The everlasting and the Creator of the ends of the earth. God who does not faint or grow weary and whose understanding is unsearchable. Let me conclude this aspect by saying God is the UNDEFINED. I say this because, what makes him God is the inability of men to describe GOD in details.
We are only saying things we know about him individually. A being that is perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness. The ancient of days. He was before the creation, He is and He will Still be when the earth is no more. The incontrovertible creator and ruler of the universe. The grand commander of all Spiritual forces. God goes too far in comprehension!
What makes him God is the inability of man to describe him in definitive. If men can describe God, then God is no longer God. He is mysterious and He comes with many inexplicable circumstances. The God that Possesses all the three necessary attributes: The Omniscience (all-knowing), The Omnipotence (all-powerful), and the Benevolence (supremely good) Trying to define God would lead to idolatry because, even the Bible does not define God, bible only revealed him and his work. MAY HIS NAME BE GLORIFIED ONCE AGAIN!
Jesus Christ is the manifestations of the TRINITY OF GOD. Jesus is simply the introduction of God among men. The most unambiguous scripture of God’s introduction is JOHN 1: that “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD” This is cleared of what and who God is. He is WORD who resides with Himself as GOD. In verse 14 of that chapter it says, that same WORD, that constitute GOD himself, now made himself known to us in person, in human flesh “And the WORD was made FLESH, and DWELL among us. This is the clear introduction of GOD who came to dwell among us in person of JESUS. The bible passage is the technical revelation of the administrative pattern of God Somebodiness in running the affairs of Men.
In the old Testament, God is Known as God while in New Testament, He is known as JESUS. GOD exists as three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. After the fall of man in the garden, God has sent different messengers in order to reconcile men with God. Even at that in the process of reconciliation, they further make known to the children of God the coming of a great Messiah who will SAVE MEN.
The indisputable fact is that, all the Prophets who revealed the coming of JESUS introduced him as GOD, the Messiah. Even our Muslim brothers! Although, Muslims do not worship JESUS who is known as ISA in Arabic, nor do they consider him divine, but they BELIEVE that he was a messenger of God and he is called the MESSIAH in the Quran. TECHNICALLY, Muslims, by affirming Jesus as MESSIAH, they are attesting to his MESSIANIC MESSAGE, not his mission as a heavenly CHRIST. Do we have any personality, dead or alive that was so hold as MESSIAH? Definitely No one!
JESUS was bold to have declared himself AS THE ONLY WAY through which anybody can be saved. The Jews know the name of God as “THE I AM”. This is because God named himself to Moses and called himself “THE I AM” which means GOD. In the the Scripture,John 8:57-59 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!, JESUS replied and say “Very truly I tell you,“before Abraham was born, I AM !” At this, they picked up stones to stone him. To the Jews they considered that statement blasphemous, that how can JESUS referred to himself as GOD? The Jews know the name of God as the I AM and JESUS called himself the I AM.
JESUS demonstrate that truly He is the master of the universe. God was described as master of the universe as that mastery was displayed efficiently; JESUS walked on the sea; JESUS resurrected and defeated death; JESUS healed the blind and the LAME; JESUS released salvation even at the point of death on the cross to a criminal who repented.”Therefore God exalted JESUS to the HIGHEST place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of THE NAME JESUS, every knees should bow, IN HEAVEN and on EARTH and under the earth,and every tongues acknowledge that JESUS is LORD, to the glory of God the Father. PHILIPPIANS 2.9-11.
Take notice of all the in the HEAVEN where God dwells. This is a confirmation that God is the one representing himself in person of Jesus. Which therefore mean that JESUS is GOD, GOD is JESUS who is operating in different dimensions of his supernatural.
In the order of TRINITY OF GOD, Holy Spirit is on the third dimension of that administrative chain. God came down to dwell among men in person of JESUS and then deposited himself as the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is God, and believers are baptized in His Name (Matthew 28:19-20). He has the power to protect believers so that nothing can steal their salvation (Ephesians 4:30).After the reconciliation on the cross, God wanted to protect his people from the gross degeneration, He then made himself available for protective reason. He dwells within believers and transforms them into the temple of God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Holy Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and is Almighty God. As such, Holy Spirit is personal and also fully God, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and the Son of God.
Thank you sir for this great privilege to again reveal the mystery of GOD’S TRINITY. I appreciate you Sir and am. Sorry it is coming this late