Threats to Life Arising from Advocacy for LGBTQ – A Recent Case of Flight Risk in Ekiti

Threats to Life Arising from Advocacy for LGBTQ – A Recent Case of Flight Risk in Ekiti

It has become a common phenomenon in our society for people publicly identifying with Homosexuals and lesbianism to
be stigmatized, harassed and prosecuted in some instances or
become alien to the community by their social stigmatization,
discrimination and condemnation. It has brought shame to some
families and affected the status of the family arising from the
frequency of public condemnation of the issue.

A recent occurrence in an Ado-Ekiti community arose from the
various threats to life received by a Law Teacher and Advocate for the LGBQT community whose family name is been protected in this publication but who bears the initials – MJ.

The lady in question was sacked from her workplace because of her role in advancing the cause of the
LGBQT community and even declared personal non-grata in her community by the Landlords and Landladies who condemned the public shame that her advocacy has brought to the community for supporting the rights of LGBQT.

The husband of the lady who is a public figure and respected University Administrator was forced to abandon the family residence and seek refuge on campus where he now resides while the wife who champions LGBQT rights has been forced to seek safety abroad due to death threats and fear of assassination owing to her support for sexuality rights and advocacy in the local community.

Africa and in particular Nigeria is not yet ripe for advocacy or support for sexuality rights and gender-related issues that are being sponsored by international communities and particularly Western countries that tend to promote and defend human rights including the rights of sexes.

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It is well noted that the Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act was signed into law in 2014 and other bills have followed to reinforce the nation’s conviction to outlaw LGBQT practices in Nigeria. People of interest are not finding the local community safe to hibernate or promote their products and activities in this regard and may have to leave their environment or take flights to places outside Africa where they can be protected or supported to advance their rights.

There will be an urgent need for international communities to engage the Nigerian government and increase opportunities for grants to educate local communities and society on the need to tolerate each other and advance the rights of people on sexuality and their human rights as may be necessary as time and space allow.


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