Symptoms And Treatment of Diabetes


We all know that the healthcare system is in a terrible state YET everybody is going about their lives on a daily basis.

With the work-life associated with Nigeria, there is high consumption of Sugary products like; BreadRiceSugarGarriYam etc.

This has caused serious cases of diabetes in the human that can later affect them once the immune system (leucocytes) of the body gets weak, particularly on our children.

Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. It comes anytime to anybody at any condition.

Just as the major chronic disease in the Western world is Cancer, the chronic disease in Nigeria is Diabetes and is written that up to 8 million people live with Diabetes. So diabetes is a major problem we have in our country and with the low medical resources we have in Nigeria. It has become a major problem amongst Nigerian Citizens.

That being said, with the health problem of Nigeria, there are natural ways you can treat or contain Diabetes, which I will explain later.

But first I want to you to know the Symptoms of Diabetes in Infantschildren, and Adults.


Babies with low blood sugar or look too weak. High blood sugar may show that a baby seems to need to drink water all the time and will urinate frequently. Also, a sweetish smell to the urine is indicative of diabetesOther symptoms of diabetes in infants include excessive sleepinessextreme hunger, and sores that are slow to heal.

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Like infants, children with diabetes may show extreme thirst and frequent urination. He or she may lose weight despite all the consuming of food, and in fact, unexplained weight loss is the number one sign of diabetes in children.

Other symptoms include:




Uncharacteristic behavior

Vision problems, especially blurred vision that comes and goes

Chronic yeast infections, especially in girls 

Tingling in hands and feet


Adults can develop Type I or juvenile diabetes, particularly young adults. Type II diabetes occurs later in life and is different than Type I, but the symptoms of both are quite similar.

For adults, the following symptoms may indicate diabetes.

Unexplained weight loss

We need to be careful about this symptom, because as adults, we think any weight loss is good. This is especially true if the doctor told them that being overweight put them at risk for diabetes. But if the weight loss is unexplained and is accompanied by any of the other symptoms, it might be a good idea to see your doctor.

Thirst and urination

Like infants and children, adults with undiagnosed diabetes are often extremely thirsty. And the more you drink, the more you urinate. If it seems like you do nothing but drink and pee, and never feel satisfied as to your thirst, diabetes might be the culprit.

Over the next Article, from experience I will write on the ways one can find personal solutions to reduce or contain Diabetes in the body.



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