I ‘ll Close Down My Church If I Call Your Name On My Altar And Don’t Kill You- Odumeje

I ‘ll Close Down My Church If I Call Your Name On My Altar And Don’t Kill You- Odumeje

General Overseer of The Mountain of the Holy Ghost Intervention and Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Chukwuemeka Odumeje, has come forward to say that he has always been called a false prophet.

The priest reportedly remarked, “I have told you on several notes that, I am not an ordinary human being,” in a video uploaded to his verified Facebook profile.

And I assure you, no matter how many times I tell you, no one can stop me from achieving this miracle. Then he added, “I will shut my church down if I don’t kill you when I call your name on my altar.

This, he said, is why you must exercise extreme caution around the prophets of God. Since we are not being quiet by remaining silent.

Why? Given that the Bible’s Isaiah 55:9-11 declares, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts higher than your thoughts,” it’s clear that God thinks and acts in ways that are superior to those of humans.

“As surely as the rain and snow from heaven water the earth and cause it to bud and bring forth, so that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so my word that proceeds from my mouth will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will succeed in the thing I have sent it to.

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