50 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Gov. Fayemi


We are rapidly approaching the end of the governorship era of Dr. John Kayode Fayemi, CON. Whether you love him, loathe him or remain indifferent, there is no denying his poise under pressure. His life before becoming a governor groomed him for it. He is well-spoken of and respected among his peers, regardless of the partisan politics.

Because Gov. Fayemi has lived life in the public eye for the past twelve years or so, people are quite familiar with who they think he is. But do they really know him that much? Well, here are some 50 things you might not have known about the outgoing two-term governor of Ekiti State.

1. Fayemi is a staunch Roman Catholic, who doesn’t play with the lenten season. He fasts all through the 40 days.

2. Fayemi has a bias for action, yet exhibits humility and very respectful

3. Though he appears taciturn, Fayemi is empathic.

4. Fayemi exerts quiet influence on his followers, yet not fussy.

5. Fayemi takes responsibility, he doesn’t heap blames on subordinates.

6. Fayemi responds to feedbacks and solves problems.

7. Though focussed, Fayemi is flexible.

8. Fayemi is tough and can take tough decisions when and where the need be.

9. Fayemi is open-minded and creative.

10. Fayemi is a good listener and an effective communicator.

11. Fayemi is exceptionally humorous and cracks a lot of jokes.

12. Fayemi is unselfish and considerate.

13. Fayemi is a broadcaster per excellence.

14. Fayemi is an avid reader and a prolific writer.

15. Fayemi is a team player and very loyal.

16. Fayemi is a fine orator with the gift of the garb.

17 Fayemi is a deep thinker.

18. Fayemi is a strong mobiliser and a bridge builder.

19. Fayemi is a great strategist and impactful.

20. Though he has PhD in War Studies, Fayemi is a lover of peace and would choose peace ahead of war always.

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21. Fayemi has a strong sense of recall.

22. Fayemi will never suffer a fool gladly.

23. Fayemi is a fearless fighter, with activism running in his blood.

24. Fayemi rarely sleeps, you can link up with him anytime of the day or night.

25. Fayemi picks up his calls, reads and replies messages.

26. Fayemi is firm, principled but very shy.

27. Fayemi is very friendly, and values his friends.

28. Fayemi defers to superior argument.

29. Fayemi forgives easily and overlooks misdeeds. He gives second or even third chances.

30. Fayemi is resilient, he doesn’t give up easily.

31. Fayemi doesn’t like to offend people.

32. Fayemi is an ideologue

33. Fayemi has a strong sense if recall.

34. Fayemi is an unrepentant democrat.

35. Fayemi is of radical mind, yet won’t breath down on anyone.

36. Fayemi knows something about (almost) everything.

37. Fayemi is a long distant runner. He doesn’t give up easily

38. While pursuing a course, Fayemi knows when to beat a retreat.

39. Fayemi is a fashionable fashionista

40. Fayemi is sociable. He attends functions.

41. Fayemi is a homeboy. He had his early education up to secondary school in Ekiti.

42. Before becoming a governor, Fayemi had served in the national government.

43. Fayemi is a voracious eater of corn, even more than those making an open display of it for political reasons.

44. Fayemi is very conscious of his reputation and won’t compromise it for all the money’s worth.

45. Fayemi does not bully anyone. He simply gives silent treatment to agent provocateurs.

46. Nothing rattles Fayemi. He is naturally cool, calm and collected.

47. Fayemi is unassuming, yet assuring.

48. Fayemi laughs very loud.

49. Fayemi loves sports, especially football/soccer

50. Fayemi, just like Bill Clinton, met his wife, Bisi, in the university library.

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