Emotionally! Judge Set Free Man Who Killed His Wife When His Baby Cried In Court

..Leaving Judge In Tears

A man pleaded guilty to killing his wife Janet Maritim. His Two children successfully pleaded with the court to set free their father, accused of killing the mother on suspicion of committing adultery.

Two of Maritim adult children had stated that he was the family’s sole breadwinner and that four siblings, who were still minors, depended on him.

Maritim begs the judge he deeply regrets killing his wife. He confessed he didn’t know what came over him and he lost his temper when he caught his wife with another man in his house having sex.

He begged the judge to give him another chance to live and look after their children if such circumstances rise again he will simply walk away instead of killing. He pleads forgiveness and pardon after he pleaded guilty of killing his wife.

He explained to the court that he was horrified when he saw the mother of his six children on their matrimonial bed committing adultery. His children broken down in tears in court begging the judge to pardon their father.

The judge felt for the 5 year old girl plea and pardoned their father despite pleading guilty and was about to be sentenced to life in prison for killing his wife after he caught her with another man in their matrimonial bed enjoying themselves.



From Opera News


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