..Says He Wants Ancient Rites Performed On Him
To Kamuhunjia, Tom, a pseudonym, acknowledged that he and his mother engaged in sexual relations, which resulted in her being pregnant and giving birth to a child. His grandma cursed him and his mother when he told her about it.
After giving birth to him and leaving him with his grandmother while she went to work in Dubai, his mother rented a house in Umoja and moved in with him when he was 14 years old.
His mother told him to be courageous because she was his mother and he couldn’t be afraid of her, so he went to the bathroom and said that he was afraid of her undressing in front of him.
His fascination with his mother’s affection for his private parts grew as the two of them slept together, and he would remind her to touch him continuously. His mother found out she was pregnant with his child after three weeks.
Afterwards, he says he was surprised to learn what his mother had told him. His grandmother became enraged, and she and his mother were disowned and cursed as a result of her outburst. While his mother gave delivery, he was forced to depart and has never been to see the baby, despite his mother’s persistent pleas for him to.
Tom, a 24-year-old man, says he wants ancient rites performed on him and his mother so that he and his grandmother can be forgiven for sleeping with each other.
Source: https://youtu.be/mxq6CBmrCjw
From Opera News