

ISEKETU or ISEKOTU 0r Osakotu in Yoruba Language. Botanical name : Sida Acuta.

For bacteria in the body system, severe waist pain, ankle pain, lower abdominal pain during menses, hormonal imbalance, irregular menses, watery sperm and quick ejaculation.

This dreaded disease refer as rheumatoid arthritis which normally developed symptoms like; deformation, joint pain, swollen ankle, and general inflammation of body.

Here is a wonderful plant that God has deposited to help us in perfect treatment of this dreaded disease, but it required to work only if you reserve the rule and perfect preparation.

This plant is to be harvest early morning hour of 6:00 am dot before the sunset, if not it won’t perform, and must be kept in cool in or wet place if you aren’t ready for immediate preparation.

Get 2 big balls of white onions ready, harvest three handful of this plant and wash it with water and salt. Then cut in pieces and pour 4 liters of fresh water in a pot, cut the two balls of white onions and spray it on the top.

Boil it for maximum of 15 minutes and filter the water for your healing. Drink a glass cup for morning and night to testify of goodness of God.

General weakness : boil only the leaf and drink one glassful thrice daily.

Kidney problem: Fill a medium size pot with the root and water. Bring to boil. Half glass twice daily.

Insomnia : Add almond and bamboo leaves to this plants (Sida Acuta leaf with it). Bring to boil one glass full twice daily.

Please try to save a life today.

*It’s a strong antibiotic.
*Is good for somebody that water is coming out of her breast without pregnancy
*It’s good for pregnant women, from 8months pregnancy wash d leave
squeeze out d juice and sieve it. mix d extract with pap take it every 2 days in d morning. It makes delivery easy. You
* Boil together with guava n paw paw leaf. Good for long lasting erection

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*It’s work for malaria.
Just get fresh of it and boil it for 10 to 15 minutes and drink it. It work fast for relief of fever and malaria.

*Is good for both delivery and pregnant women use


“Good for healing boils

How to use:

Grind it together with native white chalk then apply to the boil leave it to dry and see what will happen next.

Very effective

It good for pregnancy women,when the baby sit down it will tune the baby to good position
just uproot it an wash it very well u boil it together with the root lobatan

*I know it to work for ovarian cysts if you eat handful fresh seeds with clove of garlic daily
*It is very effective in treating severe epigastric pains

pluck plenty of the leaves and wash thoroughly, then put it in a bowl and add little water and, squeeze it till it draws like okro then add half quantity of peak milk, filter and drink the liquid before meal morning and night. Epigastric pains will varnish like magic

* It helps in joint pains. By boiling it and drink

,it’s works for many things like moringar

From Healthwise Tradomed

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