7 Colors of Urine: What It Says About Your Health

Urine is a waste product that is created in the kidneys, retained in the bladder, and then expelled through the urethra. Urine is watery and has a yellowish tint to it. You must make it a habit to examine the color of your urine on a regular basis because it might reveal a great deal about your overall health.

The color of urine that is considered to be normal and healthy is often yellow. Your diet, the amount of water you drink, the kind of medications you take, and their dosages all have an impact on the color of your urine. The majority of people produce urine of varying colors depending on the state of their health at any one time.

In this article, I will discuss according to webmd and healthline, the seven different colors of urine and what each one reveals about a person’s overall health.

1. Clear urine

This yellow pigment is not present in the urine, hence it is colorless. Consuming an excessive amount of water is the cause of urine that is clear in color. In terms of one’s physical wellbeing, renal issues, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, excessive hydration, and the use of diuretics are some of the underlying medical diseases that might be indicated by urine that is transparent.

2. a urine color ranging from yellow to orange

The urine of a healthy person has a yellowish tint and looks like this. When you drink more water, the yellow color in your urine becomes more diluted. On the other hand, if you cut back on your water intake, your urine will get more concentrated and turn an amber color.

3. Urine that is pink or red
You may have ingested something that caused the presence of blood in your urine, or you may have eaten something that caused the presence of blood in your urine. Red urine is a symptom of hematuria, which can be brought on by a number of conditions, including kidney illness, urinary tract infections, an enlarged prostate, and bladder cancer, according to professionals in the medical field.

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4. urinating a color like to orange

If you are dehydrated and your urine is orange in color, this may be a marker of the condition. When you have a problem with your bile ducts or liver, the color of your urine will be orange, and you will have light-colored stool; this is a symptom that the bile may be getting into your bloodstream.

5. Urine with a greenish or blueish tint
It’s possible that the color of the food you’re eating is causing your urine to turn a strange shade, like green or blue. If you have urine that is blue or green in color, it may indicate that you have an illness caused by bacteria. On the other hand, seeing urine that is blue is an extremely unusual occurrence.

6. Urine with a dark brown color
When a person is dehydrated, they will have urine that looks like this. It is also possible that this is a sign of liver illness or the side effect of a medicine that you are currently taking.

7. Urine that is cloudy
This type of urine will typically be accompanied by foams, and its presence may be an indication of serious underlying medical disorders such as dehydration, kidney difficulties, or an infection of the urinary system.

Because the color of your urine can reveal a great deal about your overall health, you should make it a habit to check its color on a regular basis.

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